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Data Structures
Week 2
- self as it suggests, refers to itself- the object which has called the method. That is, if you have N objects calling the method, then self.a will refer to a separate instance of the variable for each of the N objects. Imagine N copies of the variable a for each object
- init is what is called as a constructor in other OOP languages such as C++/Java. The basic idea is that it is a special method which is automatically called when an object of that Class is created
class Example
class receipt():
def __init__(self,apples,figs,dates):
self.apples = apples
self.figs = figs
self.dates = dates
self.bill = apples + figs + dates
print ("Buy",self.apples,"apples", self.figs,"figs
Total bill is",self.receipt," pieces of fruit")
purchase = receipt(5,6,7)
> Buy 5 apples 6 figs and 7 dates. Total fruitty bill is 18 pieces of fruit
Week 1
Python Lists Vs Dictionaries
List is a collection of index values pairs as that of array in JS. Dictionary is a hashed structure of key and value pairs. InfoDB Lists KVDb = []
List with dictionary records placed in a list
"FirstName": "Armaan",
"LastName": "Shamsaasef",
"Date Of Birth": "November 17, 2004",
"Location": "San Diego",
"Personal Email": "armaan.shamsaasef@gmail.com",
Print the second car from Mortensen’s Owns_Cars list
x = InfoDb[0]["Coding_Languages"][1]
result: John Mortensen
There is also a method called get() on the Dictionary(InfoDb[0]) that will give you the same result:
x = InfoDb[0].get("Coding_Languages")[2]
result: CSS
Print Content from InfoDB
given an index this will print InfoDb content
def print_data(n):
print(InfoDb[n]["FirstName"], InfoDb[n]["LastName"]) # using comma puts space between values
print("\t", "Cars: ", end="") # \t is a tab indent, end="" make sure no return occurs
print(", ".join(InfoDb[n]["Owns_Cars"])) # join allows printing a string list with separator
def tester():
print("For loop")
print("While loop")
while_loop(0) # requires initial index to start while
print("Recursive loop")
recursive_loop(0) # requires initial index to start recursion
While Loop
while loop contains an initial n and an index incrementing statement (n += 1)
def while_loop(n):
while n < len(InfoDb):
n += 1
For Loop
for loop iterates on length of InfoDb
def for_loop():
for n in range(len(InfoDb)):
Tri 3 TT0 Python Menu, Replit, Github
Python Menu w/ data structures and try/except statements
# menu.py - function style menu
# Imports typically listed at top
# each import enables us to use logic that has been abstracted to other files and folders
import loopy
import mathpy
import funcy
import patterns
# Main list of [Prompts, Actions]
# Two styles are supported to execute abstracted logic
# 1. file names will be run by exec(open("filename.py").read())
# 2. function references will be executed directly file.function()
main_menu = [
["Stringy", "stringy.py"],
["Listy", "listy.py"],
["Loopy", loopy.main],
# Submenu list of [Prompt, Action]
# Works similarly to main_menu
sub_menu = [
["Factors", mathpy.factors],
["GCD", mathpy.gcd],
["LCM", mathpy.lcm],
["Primes", mathpy.primes],
patterns_sub_menu = [
["Patterns", "patterns.py"],
["PreFuncy", "prefuncy.py"],
["Funcy", funcy.ship],
# Menu banner is typically defined by menu owner
border = "=" * 25
banner = f"\n{border}\nPlease Select An Option\n{border}"
# def menu
# using main_menu list:
# 1. main menu and submenu reference are created [Prompts, Actions]
# 2. menu_list is sent as parameter to menuy.menu function that has logic for menu control
def menu():
title = "Function Menu" + banner
menu_list = main_menu.copy()
menu_list.append(["Math", submenu])
menu_list.append(["Patterns", patterns_submenu])
buildMenu(title, menu_list)
# def submenu
# using sub menu list above:
# sub_menu works similarly to menu()
def submenu():
title = "Function Submenu" + banner
buildMenu(title, sub_menu)
def patterns_submenu():
title = "Function Submenu" + banner
buildMenu(title, patterns_sub_menu)
def buildMenu(banner, options):
# header for menu
# build a dictionary from options
prompts = {0: ["Exit", None]}
for op in options:
index = len(prompts)
prompts[index] = op
# print menu or dictionary
for key, value in prompts.items():
print(key, '->', value[0])
# get user choice
choice = input("Type your choice> ")
# validate choice and run
# execute selection
# convert to number
choice = int(choice)
if choice == 0:
# stop
# try as function
action = prompts.get(choice)[1]
except TypeError:
try: # try as playground style
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"File not found!: {action}")
# end function try
# end prompts try
except ValueError:
# not a number error
print(f"Not a number: {choice}")
except UnboundLocalError:
# traps all other errors
print(f"Invalid choice: {choice}")
# end validation try
buildMenu(banner, options) # recursion, start menu over again
if __name__ == "__main__":
Week 0
Final Idea: Site that gives Coding questions, with rewards and surprises for each correct answer (Level System).
Our project is dedicated to the learning, improvement, and utmost enjoyment of coding! We aspire to help beginners improve their coding ability by implementing a series of levels that increase difficulty as they complete the tasks. By the end, they should see themselves as better programmers than before while also having enjoyed the journey. We are Team Siuuuu and are sponsored by Hackclub, a group of coders hoping to teach beginner coders.
Code Snippets for Key Learnings:
How Questions are Created (hoping to shift to a const of questions in the future):)
Response to User Input:
Key Features that are in Progress: Scoring system to reward players if answer is correct Key Features that are in Progress: Link to replit for harder levels if code is > 1 line (so that we don’t run into errors with the .value call)